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德州仪器 (ti) 是一家全球化半导体设计与制造企业,凭借 80,000+ 模拟 ic 与嵌入式处理器产品、各类软件以及最大规模的销售和技术支持不断开拓创新。
t OP P R S Op amp used for current sensing External gain setting resistors Input range limited by supply voltage Dedicated current sense amplifier. INA240 Family • Wide common-mode : -4V to 80V • Bi-directional • High AC CMRR: 93dB @ 50kHz • Enhanced PWM rejection • High accuracy
模拟, 半导体, 数字信号处理 - 德州仪器
德州仪器 (ti) 是一家全球化半导体设计与制造企业,凭借 80,000+ 模拟 ic 与嵌入式处理器产品、各类软件以及最大规模的销售和技术支持不断开拓创新。
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TMP118 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TMP118 是业界超小型温度传感器,采用先进的 0.55mm × 0.61mm × 0.24mm PICOSTAR 封装。TMP118 可提供 16 位温度结果,具有 0.0078125°C 分辨率,并且无需额外校准,即可在 0°C 至 50°C的温度范围内实现高达 ±0.1°C 的精度。
allows for healthy power dissipation where the junction temperature is within acceptable limits (T. J < 125°C). Once V. OUT. goes too low and the thermal limit is reached, thermal shutdown will turn off the device in order to protect it from permanent damage. Once the device has cooled, it will turn back on and regulation can proceed.
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8 The DC measurements taken from a common mode step over a sample set of devices are used to generate the specification found in the electrical characteristics section.
bq3060 Technical Reference Literature Number: SLUU319B February 2010–Revised January 2015
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