Does the relation back doctrine apply when an amended …
Oct 16, 2024 · Does the relation back doctrine apply when an amended complaint is filed after expiration of SOL to change name of plaintiff a civil lawsuit was filed within the statute of limitations; however, the complaint needs to be amended after the statute of limitations expired to change/correct the name of plaintiff.
Is it good sol/s? - Mining - Zcash Community Forum
Sep 22, 2017 · when I do 600 sol/s I need to pust my card to the max and just getting around the 2,4 sol/w I’m currently rocking 65% power and getting 480 sol/s and with an efficiency of 4.14/solw. getting 600sol/s looks cool but isn’t that good
Whats is more important... H/S or SOL/s? - Zcash Community Forum
Jan 22, 2017 · Generally H/s and Sol/s are used as the same. What you care about is Sol/s. The mining in ZCash uses Equihash. On each Equihash iteration a number of solutions are found. This is a randomized process though. Sometimes 0 solutions are found, most of time 1, 2, 3 but it could also be more. On average about 1.877 solutions can be found per ...
What is sol/s ? how do i convert sol/s to hashrate?
Jan 23, 2017 · And if sol/s is equal to H/s then RX 480 is getting 18 sol/s thats equal to 18 H/s and if i join 12 RX 480 I’ll get 216 H/s by this hashrate i only make $27.44 per month !! thats a huge loss ! i won’t even be getting my investment back in a year. please explain
How much is 1 sol in hashes - Zcash Community Forum
Jul 4, 2017 · How much is 1 sol in hashes. Sorry I am new to ZCash mining. I have MSI RX 580 8 gbs each producing around 23 MH/s. How do I convert it in hashes, as I wanted to calculate the ROI.
Sol/s vs. h/s what is the difference? - Zcash Community Forum
Nov 15, 2016 · Sol/s vs. h/s, anybody please help me out =) I/s is whole cycle of generating and finding solutions, curlently with tromp algo we can find about 1.88 solutions per cycle, but if someone find better algorithm maybe we can find more sollution from one whole cycle…
What is a sol and the relationship between sol/s and mh/s
Jul 1, 2017 · You could try something like this to get your card hashrate - you are interested in the Equihash Sol/s rate NiceHash - Leading Cryptocurrency Platform for Mining and Trading 1 Like Blue July 1, 2017, 4:07pm
Trying to calculate MH/S to H/S or Sol/s - Zcash Community Forum
Sep 29, 2017 · well if one 1080 ti does around 32~ mh/s for eth and also around 720~sol/s for zec then the 1700 mh/s you were getting for eth roughly translates to 38160~ sol/s… again i dont see how one mining rig was doing 1700mh/s for eth but whatever.
What does Poss CS PG1 1-4grams mean? - Legal Answers
Nov 11, 2014 · What does Poss CS PG1 1-4grams mean? Aside from what the other attorneys have already told you, "Penalty Group One" is a category under Texas law that's used mostly for the traditional "hard" drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine, but also for a few extremely addictive prescription drugs, like methadone or oxycodone.
Can someone sue you for libel if you didn't name the person?
Sep 25, 2013 · Let me start off by saying that I do not practice in WI and you should consult an attorney in WI. As a general matter, the elements of a common law action for defamation are: (1) a false statement; (2) communicated by speech, conduct or in writing to a person other than the one defamed; and (3) the communication is unprivileged and tends to harm one’s reputation, lowering him or her in the ...