24 Icebreaker Games for Teens That Actually Work to Break the Ice!
Icebreaker Games for Teens 1. Two Truths and a Lie. This classic game is always a hit. Each teen shares two truths and one lie about themselves, and the group tries to guess which is the lie.
21 Fun Classroom Games for All Ages (no prep work!) - A Day in …
They learn sportsmanship because they are “out” if they do the activity if Simon didn’t say it or if they do it incorrectly. The game can be played a few times to give kids a chance to get back in there. Another fun game for visual motor skills, proprioception, sensory processing, and coordination is with the good old fashioned hula hoop.Just learning how to …
77 Functional Communication Goals for an IEP - A Day in our Shoes
Functional Communication Goals. From as early as possible, these skills should be practiced and encouraged. I remember a few months ago, I was assisting Kevin on to his special education van in the morning.
Your Child’s Strengths: 127 Student Examples You Can Use Today
Character Strengths in a Child. Here are some “character strengths” that I found on another site, and my commentary behind them. One thing you can always remember when evaluating a child’s strength or weaknesses, ask yourself: Is this a “can’t” do the thing, or a “won’t” do the thing.
Free PDF Mindfulness Coloring Pages - A Day in our Shoes
Hey there! Looking for a little calm? Mindfulness coloring pages are a fun, soothing way to help your kid (or maybe even yourself) unwind. Whether it’s a busy school week, an overload of IEP stress, or just time for a break, these pages encourage a few peaceful moments of creativity.
36 Decoding IEP Goals (Examples and Samples) - A Day in our Shoes
Reading Skills Surrounding Decoding. Here are some examples of reading skills related to decoding. Phonemic Awareness: The student will demonstrate improved phonemic awareness by correctly identifying and manipulating individual sounds (phonemes) within words.. Letter Recognition: The student will increase proficiency in recognizing and naming letters, including both uppercase and lowercase ...
Free PDF Mardi Gras Coloring Pages - A Day in our Shoes
Fat Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday, has a history as a religious holiday. It is always the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday or the beginning of Lent. Lent is a Christian-observed period of fasting and preparation for Jesus’s arrival on Easter Sunday.
50 ASL Flashcards Printable PDF (Common ASL Words) - A Day in …
Sign Language Words. Many people don’t know this, but ASL, or American Sign Language, is the 4th most common language used here in the USA. It’s also becoming increasingly common for parents to use sign language with babies and toddlers before they have verbal words.
Alphabet in Sign Language: Free PDF for Beginners
Sign Language Alphabet. Fingerspelling in ASL to communicate also requires some motor planning, which some students may lack. Mentally, you are already planning out the next letter while signing the current one, if that makes sense.
12 Free Story Map Templates PDFs (Story Elements) - A Day in our …
By identifying story characters, plot, setting, problem and solution, students read carefully to learn the details. The graphic organizer helps them better understand the different parts and how they relate to each other.