Santa Barbara Airport
The Santa Barbara Airport is the Tri-County regional airport of choice. SBA goal is to exceed expectations for safety and quality of service, and meet the air transportation and economic development needs of its customers and partner.
Flights - Fly SBA
SBA offers 23 daily nonstop flights on Alaska, American, Delta, Southwest, and United Airlines to 12 major destination hubs, equaling endless options.
FAQs - Fly SBA
Santa Barbara Airport frequently asked questions includes topics on parking, traveling with animals, airport operations, terminal questions, amenities, lost and found, and more.
Yeah, it's like that. | Fly SBA
The beauty and ambiance of an airport that truly is relaxing and nothing like its counterparts. Thatʼs why travelers choose SBA. Add to that 23 nonstops to 12 destinations and one stop to the rest of the world, shorter lines, less traffic…well, your departure begins before your flight ever leaves the ground.
Arrivals & Departures - Fly SBA
Airport main jump menu Section Menu. Flights. Arrivals & Departures; Cost Calculator; FAQs; Title. Arrivals & Departures . Body. Real-Time Parking Availability ... This is the prefooter section. Location. 500 James Fowler Road Santa Barbara, CA 93117. Explore. Flights; Terminal; General Aviation; About SBA; Contact Us; Jobs; Stay Connected ...
Terminal - Fly SBA
The Santa Barbara Airport Terminal is a clean, safe, and beautiful space to enjoy your journey.
Parking - Fly SBA
Per municipal code, no recreational vehicles such as campers, boats, or trailers are permitted on Airport Property.
Santa Barbara Airport (SBA) has facility constraints that limit our ability to accommodate diverted flights or maintain the Airport’s safe operation and strongly encourages aircraft operators to contact the Airport Security Operations Center at 805.681.4803 for prior coordination of diverted
SANTA BARBARA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINIMUM STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Article 1. Introduction The City of Santa Barbara (“City”) is the owner and operator of the Santa Barbara Municipal Airport (“Airport”) . The City’s Airport Department is responsible for the Airport’s management and administration, which includes operation, maintenance,
Ground Transportation - Fly SBA
A variety of ground transportation options are available at Santa Barbara Airport conveniently connecting the Airport to surrounding hotels, tourist attractions, businesses, and residencies. These options include rental cars, commercial and courtesy shuttles, taxis, rideshare services, MTD public buses, and the near by Amtrak Train.