Lab Values Worksheet - General Student Support - allnurses
Sep 23, 2005 · On a sheet of paper, draw a horizonal line. On the top half of the line, draw two short vertical lines (make three spaces) and on the bottom half draw three short vertical lines (four spaces). On the top line, fill in your Pt's Sodium, Chloride and Glucose.
Clinical lab sheet with values - General Student Support - allnurses
Feb 11, 2009 · Hi everyone,I need a clinical lab sheet with normal lab values and spaces to put in the abnormal values of the patient.
Lab Skeletons/ "fishbone" - General Nursing Support - allnurses
Jan 13, 2012 · I work in the ICU and write down the standard Chemistry & hematology fishscales on my flow sheet with every patient. You can quickly access lab values when you need them! I make sure every nursing student knows them by the …
Format for handwritten lab values - General Nursing Support
Sep 10, 2007 · Below are the value positions for BMP lab: Na/Cl/Bun. K+/Co2/Creat. Below are the lab value positions for CBC lab: wbc>HGB ****Hct. Are the stick figures ...put the values in the appropriate spots as described above: PS: Hopefully someone can give you an address of a website that explains stick figures. I tried but came up empty handed!
Nursing Brain Sheets for Beginners - New Nurses, First Year
Feb 20, 2020 · Nursing brain sheets are those papers that have all of the information on your patient. You will have your history, diagnosis, meds, lab values, and so much more. In fact, brain sheets are like fingerprints.
Normal Newborn Lab Values - NICU, Neonatal - allnurses
Jan 2, 2006 · Lab values will vary based on gestational age and postnatal age. What is normal for a term infant will not be normal for a 24 weeker. I suggest looking at the tables provided in A. A. Fanaroff, R.J.Martin, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. This will give you an idea of how lab values can vary based on gestational age and postnatal age in days.
disorders, the components of the lab values are the same. An example of this is metabolic acidosis. In metabolic acidosis, the pH is below normal and the CO 2 is decreased, as is the HCO 3. This is true in a compensated situation.. pH down, CO 2 up, and HCO 3 up = respiratory acidosis. pH down, CO 2 down, and HCO 3 down = metabolic acidosis. pH ...
Lab value tree - General Nursing Support - allnurses
Feb 10, 2008 · On some charts I see that there is one line wrote horizontal with a y on end of the line and some vertical lines for writing lab values. I also have seen a different one for hemoglobin and hematocrit, can anyone tell me what goes where or refer me to a link that shows me? Thanks in advance. A nursing student.
Best/Most reliable resource for Lab Values on NCLEX RN?
Feb 12, 2014 · If anyone could share a link or post lab values that held true for you while taking the NCLEX-RN, I would truly appreciate it. Also, if you have any tip/tricks or mnemonics for keeping numbers straight please share. For example (values from Lewis) NORMAL ELECTROLYTE VALUES. Na+ 135-145. K+ 3.5-5.0. NORMAL ABGs. pH 7.35-7.45. pCO2 35-45
A cute way to remember some lab values. - allnurses
K+ 3.5 †5 Ca+ 4.5.- 5 Mg 1.5-2.5Phos 1.8-2.6 Na+ 135-145 Cl 95-105Crt .5-1.2BUN 10-20PTT 60-70 or 1 ½ times higher if on HeparinPT 11.0 - 12.5 or 2.o -3.5 ti...