Northern Harrier Identification - All About Birds
Mar 25, 2012 · The Northern Harrier is distinctive from a long distance away: a slim, long-tailed hawk gliding low over a marsh or grassland, holding its wings in a V-shape and sporting a white patch at the base of its tail. Up close it has an owlish face that helps it hear mice and voles beneath the vegetation.
Northern harrier - Wikipedia
The northern harrier (Circus hudsonius), also known as the marsh hawk or ring-tailed hawk, is a bird of prey. It breeds throughout the northern parts of the northern hemisphere in Canada and the northernmost USA.
Northern Harrier | Audubon Field Guide
Harriers are very distinctive hawks, long-winged and long-tailed, usually seen quartering low over the ground in open country. At close range, the face of our Northern Harrier looks rather like that of an owl; like an owl (and unlike most other hawks) it may rely on its keen hearing to help it locate prey as it courses low over the fields.
Northern Harrier - All About Birds
The Northern Harrier is distinctive from a long distance away: a slim, long-tailed hawk gliding low over a marsh or grassland, holding its wings in a V-shape and sporting a white patch at the base of its tail. Up close it has an owlish face that helps it hear mice and voles beneath the vegetation.
Northern Harrier Photo Gallery - All About Birds
Mar 17, 2018 · The Northern Harrier is distinctive from a long distance away: a slim, long-tailed hawk gliding low over a marsh or grassland, holding its wings in a V-shape and sporting a white patch at the base of its tail. Up close it has an owlish face that helps it hear mice and voles beneath the vegetation.
Northern Harrier - American Bird Conservancy
The Northern Harrier, also known as the "Marsh Hawk" for one of its favorite habitats, is a slim raptor with long wings, legs, and tail. The sexes appear different: The male is bluish-gray above with white underparts, a distinctive coloration that earns it …
Northern Harrier - eBird
Medium-sized hawk with long tail and thin wings. Flies with wings held in a V-shape, low over open fields and marshes, listening for rodents lurking below. Distinctive foraging behavior and conspicuous white patch on rump in all plumages.
Northern Harrier - ID, Facts, Diet, Habit & More | Birdzilla
Mar 9, 2023 · The Northern Harrier is a medium-sized, slender raptor with a long, rounded tail and relatively broad wings. You can find Northern Harriers in fields, wide-open grasslands, or marshes from fall through spring. However, you will most likely notice these birds when they’re in flight.
Northern Harrier Fact Sheet – HawkWatch International
Northern Harrier inhabits open grasslands, marshes, and sagebrush throughout North America, where they are widespread but somewhat uncommon. They are often compared with owls due to their similar facial disk, acute hearing, and ability to hunt and migrate in low light.
Northern Harrier - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on ... - Animalia
The Northern harrier is a bird of prey that breeds in Canada and the northernmost USA. It has the longest wing and tail relative to its body size of any raptor occurring in North America. The sexes of this species differ in their appearance and also in weight with females being heavier.