Yellowstone is a Volcano (more specifically, a Supervolcano)
The Yellowstone eruption area collapsed upon itself, creating a sunken giant crater or caldera 1,500 square miles in area. The magmatic heat powering that eruption (and two others, dating back 2.1 million years) still powers the park’s famous geysers, hot …
Yellowstone’s Supervolcano and Volcanic History
Oct 8, 2013 · The area in and around Yellowstone National Park has seen tremendous volcanic activity in its past. Three giant eruptions have occurred between 2.1 million and 640,000 years ago. The most recent eruption formed the Yellowstone caldera. Since then, the park has seen roughly 80 mostly non-explosive eruptions.
Yellowstone Caldera | Yellowstone Volcano - Yellowstone National …
May 18, 2007 · Yellowstone National Park consists of three enormous calderas that erupted about 2, 1.2, and 0.6 million years ago. The most recent caldera is 45 km across and 75 km long! Caldera-forming eruptions are the largest eruptions on Earth.
How the Yellowstone Caldera Formed - Yellowstone National Park
Oct 2, 2013 · A caldera is that volcanic depression that occurs when a magma reserve is emptied, the “caved in,” typically round in shape, section. The Yellowstone caldera is 35 miles wide and 50 miles long, although a recent study suggests the caldera is larger than previously thought.
Yellowstone Volcano Caldera Rises, Falls and Rises Again
Jan 24, 2007 · The Yellowstone eruption area collapsed upon itself, creating a sunken giant crater or caldera 1,500 square miles in area. The magmatic heat powering that eruption (and two others, dating back 2.1 million years) still powers the park’s …
Docudrama Movie 'Supervolcano' by BBC and Discovery Channel
Jan 21, 2007 · Yellowstone is one of the 21 under-monitored volcanoes in the High threat group. USGS officials emphasized that this does not mean that the geologic conditions at Yellowstone have changed. The activity at Yellowstone remains consistent with historic levels.
Is Yellowstone Going to Blow? Exaggerated Reports of Volatility
Jul 27, 2017 · The National Park Service staffers, however, has been monitoring the Yellowstone volcanic activity very closely for the last 30 years. Their prediction? The chance of a catastrophic eruption in the next 1,000 -10,000 years, is “very unlikely” according to the National Park Service at www.nps.gov/yell/learn/nature/volcano.htm .
8 Best Yellowstone Geyser Basins and Map - Yellowstone National …
Jan 30, 2023 · Maps, photos and descriptions of Yellowstone's geyser basins including Old Faithful, Morning Glory Pool, Mud Volcano and Grand Prismatic.
Who is Watching Yellowstone's Volcano and Nearby Earthquakes?
Feb 7, 2008 · The National Park Service has been monitoring the Yellowstone volcanic activity very closely for the last 30 years. Their prediction? The chance of a catastrophic eruption in the next 1,000 -10,000 years, is “very unlikely.”
Scientists Find 4X Magma Under Yellowstone's Supervolcano
Jul 10, 2020 · April 23, 2015 – University of Utah seismologists discovered and made images of a reservoir of hot, partly molten rock 12 to 28 miles beneath the Yellowstone supervolcano, and it is 4.4 times larger than the shallower, long-known magma chamber.