Hendersonville, TN | Official Website
Hendersonville, TN 37075. Phone: 615-822-1000. Hours Monday through Friday: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Demographics | Hendersonville, TN
The racial composition of Hendersonville is mostly white (84.5%), followed by black or African American (9.0%), two or more races (3.1%), and Asian (1.5%). The Hispanic or Latino population is 4.7% of the total.
Departments | Hendersonville, TN
The Hendersonville Planning Department is responsible for long-range planning, professional development review, zoning administration and enforcement, historic preservation, and community revitalization within the City of Hendersonville.
City History | Hendersonville, TN
Strategically located 18 miles NE of the center of downtown Nashville and 20 miles from Nashville's International Airport, Hendersonville attributes its rapid growth to geographic location and scenic beauty.
Maps | Hendersonville, TN
Hendersonville Apartment & Condo Units by Ward. This chart lists all existing approved apartment and condo units within the City of Hendersonville by Ward. View Ward Map (PDF).
General Employment Information | Hendersonville, TN
The City of Hendersonville is a great place to live, work and play. The Hendersonville Human Resources department is responsible for providing comprehensive services to all City employees, job applicants, and the community.
Employment | Hendersonville, TN
The City of Hendersonville is a great place to work! Currently employing over 500 people, the City offers opportunities for professional growth along with a competitive benefits plan including medical, dental, and life insurance options.
Make Online Payments | Hendersonville, TN
Hendersonville, TN 37075. Phone: 615-822-1000. Hours Monday through Friday: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Ordinances & Resolutions | Hendersonville, TN
The City of Hendersonville's current ordinances and resolutions are available here for your convenience. Historical and/or archived ordinances and resolutions require a records request. Note: Failed and Withdrawn ordinances and resolutions are not posted.
Economic & Community Development | Hendersonville, TN
The City is currently gathering ownership information, site and building photos, and other useful Economic Development information that will assist businesses seeking to locate or relocate within Hendersonville. City staff will help your team find a suitable site that will meet all of your needs.