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    sUAS Regulatory Guidance | Civil Air Patrol National …

    All CAP sUAS operations must comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations to ensure the safety of airspace users. CAP members operating sUAS are expected to follow FAA rules outlined in the following guidance: 1. FAA Part 107: Governs the operation of sUAS, including requirements for pilot certification, operational limits, and saf...

    Civil Air Patrol

    CAP-specific regulations govern the unique operational aspects of sUAS within the organization, including training, mission execution, and safety protocols. These regulations ensure that CAP sUAS pilots meet operational standards and remain compliant with CAP and federal guidelines.

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    For CAP missions that involve national defense support, CAP sUAS pilots must adhere to DoD and military regulations. These regulations ensure that sUAS operations align with military mission objectives and protocols. 1. DoD Guidance for UAS in Domestic Operations: Outlines the proper use of sUAS in U.S. national airspace for domestic missions, incl...

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    CAP sUAS pilots must comply with state and local laws when conducting missions. These laws may impose additional requirements beyond federal regulations and can vary significantly across states. 1. State Drone Laws: CAP members should familiarize themselves with the specific drone regulations applicable in the states where they operate, ensuring co...

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    Certain CAP missions, such as counterdrug operations, disaster response, and homeland security, have unique requirements for sUAS operations. These missions often require: 1. Use of CAP corporate-owned camera and equipment for imagery collection. 2. Adherence to strict data management protocols, including the secure handling of imagery in complianc...

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