Strategies to stay alive during a week-long zombie apocalypse scenario. 15-year-old girl named as shooter at Christian school in Wisconsin Quantum stocks continue to surge as enthusiasm behind ...
Menon is debuting the film in the wake of another tragedy, as the Eaton Fire burned down the Altadena home she shared with ...
Instructors discovered that a zombie-apocalypse scenario was a better teaching tool than using fictional scenarios about Tunisia or Nigeria as was customary at the time, which also risked being ...
If a zombie apocalypse hits the tranquil Stardew Valley community, we've got some ideas on who would survive the ordeal.
The Defense Department, known for having a plan in place for any disaster scenario, has created a detailed strategy for a possible zombie apocalypse, Gordon Lubold reports for Foreign Policy.
It originated as a scenario to train junior officers in the Department of Defense's Joint Operation Planning and Execution System, through which the US military devises contingency plans. Instructors ...