From narcos to navigating FARC paramilitaries, Angela Maldonado has been spearheading a campaign to protect the Amazon's night monkeys from an illegal wildlife trade ...
Wandering salamanders pump their toes full of blood before lifting their feet, a trick that may help them release their sticky grip while conserving energy ...
A search for particles’ most paradoxical quantum states led researchers to construct a 37-dimensional experiment ...
Male dolphins have been observed shooting jets of urine into the air and other dolphins seem to follow the stream, perhaps to ...
From contact with aliens courtesy of Adrian Tchaikovsky to the childhood writings of Octavia E. Butler, February’s sci-fi ...
The asteroid is unlikely to be cause for concern, but its detection has triggered planetary defence response procedures for ...
A muscle that we thought served no purpose beyond enabling some people to wiggle their ears is actually active when we are ...
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