房委會資助房屋小組委員會主席黃碧如表示, 房署打擊濫用公屋的成效不錯, 現屆政府已經收回7千個被濫用的單位, 情況令人鼓舞. 她指, 一個公屋單位的建築成本達100萬元, 收回7千個單位, 相當於70億元, 強調資源要用得其所. 黃碧如在本台節目指, 房署推出「舉報濫用公屋獎」不是鼓勵「督灰」, 強調嚴重濫用個案中, 大部份戶主將公屋用於謀利, 不在單位內居住, 與周邊鄰居並無太大的鄰社關係, 而 ...
Thirty terrorists were killed in three separate operations in Pakistan's northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, the military said on Saturday. The security forces conducted intelligence-based operatio ...
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday he was in talks with multiple people over buying TikTok and would likely have a decision on the popular app's future in the next 30 days. "I have spoken to ...
Gaza saw the second hostage swap on Saturday as Hamas freed four female Israeli soldiers in exchange for 200 Palestinian prisoners, a part of a six-week ceasefire starting Jan. 19. Earlier Saturday, t ...
The head of the World Health Organization called on Saturday for an end to attacks on healthcare workers and facilities in Sudan after a drone attack on a hospital in Sudan's North Darfur region kille ...
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that Jordan and Egypt should take more Palestinians from Gaza, where Israel's military assault has caused a dire humanitarian situation and killed tens of ...
運輸及物流局長陳美寶表示, 農曆新年是市民與旅客的出行高峰, 她早前視察高鐵西九龍站運作, 並感謝港鐵人員緊守崗位, 在佳節當前維持本港與連通內地93個直達站點的高鐵服務. 陳美寶在社交平台發文指, 衷心感謝各公共交通營辦商, 在新春佳節加強服務, 讓全港市民及各地旅客, 可以在公眾假期的客流高峰期, 繼續體驗香港高效、 便捷和舒適的公共交通服務.
The U.S. may place a "very big bounty" on the top leaders of the Taliban, Secretary of State Marco Rubio said on Saturday, adding he was hearing that the Taliban held more American hostages than previ ...
Brazilian officials demanded that U.S. agents remove handcuffs from a group of deportees who were flown to the South American country on Friday, with a prominent minister in President Luiz Inacio Lula ...
Two historic statues were damaged in Melbourne ahead of Australia Day celebrations on Sunday where tens of thousands across the country are expected to join protests in support of Aboriginal people wh ...
警方就星期三在元朗發生的一宗謀殺及傷人案, 在天水圍、青衣及元朗區再拘捕多兩名二十二歲的男子, 他們涉嫌謀殺及傷人, 以及一名二十歲女子涉嫌串謀傷人. 案中一名二十四歲男子身中多刀死亡, 另一名二十八歲男子受傷. 連同較早前的拘捕行動, 警方就本案合共拘捕八男一女, 年齡介乎十九至二十七歲. 當中, 一名二十歲男子及一名二十二歲男子今日各被暫控一項謀殺罪及一項傷人罪. 該名二十歲男子亦被暫控一項駕 ...
公立醫院早前接連發生醫療事故, 醫管局行政總裁高拔陞表示, 隨著醫療水平提高, 治療方法和複雜程度上升, 以及人口老化、 慢性疾病和複雜個案增加, 一定會有所風險, 強調局方重視每一宗事故, 並會防止再次發生. 被問到在財赤下如何節省開支, 高拔陞在電視節目指, 已經成立委員會檢視資源運用的效益, 包括加強集中購買藥物和儀器, 並且善用科技提升效率. 至於檢討薪酬架構, 他強調與財赤無關, 而是希 ...