National Museums Liverpool are aware of the recent report in “The Post” which was published on 08 February 2025 about allegations concerning the conduct of Laurence Westgaph (“the Article”). The ...
Join us in this new opportunity for deaf and hard of hearing visitors to join a tour of our wonderful transport collections, led by a deaf guide. The tour is free but places are extremely limited so ...
Lizard with long snake-like body with prominent groove along the flanks, large head, forelegs absent, hind legs reduced to tiny cylindrical stumps. Adults uniformly brown, younger animals grey with ...
The story of how Frank Hornby, a clerk from Liverpool, went on to invent some of the most popular toys of the 20th century, including Meccano, Hornby trains and Dinky Toys.
Oval ring setting of the type identified as a magical gem stone. One side shows Ouroboros, with head at top to left, encircling a uterus-symbol in the form of a cupping vessel, ligaments and fallopian ...
In this walk-through, Kemi Onabulé (artist featured in our Conversations exhibition) and Edwin Coomasaru (art historian and writer) will explore the collection of the Walker Art Gallery and how ...
For the first time this is a unique opportunity for deaf and hard of hearing people to join in a tour led by a deaf tour guide, who will take you around the museum exploring the theme of Liverpool's ...
Green glazed steatite rectangular plaque seal from a finger ring. Engraved with designs on both faces and sides, including Thutmose III as a sphinx on one side and in a smiting scene on the other.
Join us in this new opportunity for deaf and hard of hearing visitors to join a tour of our wonderful new exhibition exploring the life of Holly Johnson led by a deaf guide. Tickets are extremely ...
Portrait in oils of Colonel Arent Schuyler De Peyster in uniform of the Dumfries Volunteers, of which he was Commandant 1794 - 1822. De Peyster, born in New York in 1736, was an officer with the ...
Ivory disc or lid from a pyxis with engraved decoration. and a small central hole for the handle, with remains of the peg in the centre. The central medalion decoration is of a lozenge formed out of 4 ...
Medium-sized snake of variable coloration. Usually with a broad stripe along the back, usually dull green or some other bright colour, upperparts may be brown, olive-green, grey or blue-black, the ...