An agenda-setting and market-moving journalist, Foo Yun Chee is a 21-year veteran at Reuters. Her stories on high profile mergers have pushed up the European telecoms index, lifted companies ...
Even if you don’t know Shen Yun’s name, you’ll know its ads: on a laminated A3 poster, a brightly dressed Chinese dancer leaps through the air, the words “CHINA BEFORE COMMUNISM ...
The threat targeted Shen Yun performances. Police closed off Rock Creek Parkway, blocking lanes between Virginia Avenue and Parkway Drive. Security has since given the all-clear and performances ...
As the much-loved ongoing drama Study Group enters to its finale week, the tension between Yun Ga-min's Study Group gang and Pi Han-ul is at its highest. Here's what to expect from the Study Group ...
Screen icon Chow Yun Fat’s latest film, Detective Chinatown 1900 may have seen him speaking English and Mandarin fluently, but it was no walk in the park for the 69-year-old. During a recent interview ...
BEJRÚT - Izraelské bezpilotné lietadlo v sobotu zasiahlo juh Libanonu. Podľa tamojších médií nedošlo k stratám na životoch, informujeme na základe správy agentúry AFP. "Izraelské nepriateľské lietadlo ...
MOSKVA/WASHINGTON - Juhozápad Sibíri v Rusku zasiahlo v noci na dnes zemetrasenie o sile 5,9 stupňa Richterovej stupnice. Uviedla to agentúra Reuters s odvolaním sa na nemecké geofyzikálne centrum GFZ ...
JUSTIN Longmuir has confirmed Fremantle pair Michael Walters and Shai Bolton will be on managed minutes for Saturday's Indigenous All Stars clash. Walters and Bolton, who will both feature for the All ...
China’s passion for bubble tea has turned one man into a billionaire overnight. Yun’an Wang became a billionaire after his tea chain was listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange on Wednesday. From a ...
Niektoré odpovede na otázky spojené s pádom juhu dal ešte na jeseň 2023 ukrajinský generálmajor Andrij Sokolov, ktorý bol v roku 2022 zástupcom veliteľa Operačného veliteľstva Juh. Podľa jeho slov ...