Blizzard has decided to revive accounts lost during a recent WoW Hardcore DDoS attack to uphold the integrity of the game.
But that is, in fact, what Blizzard is doing. In a post on the WoW Classic forums, associate production director Clay Stone ...
Blizzard steps in after the recent debate regarding the unfortunate permadeath of characters in WoW Hardcore caused by a ...
After several DDoS attacks against Sodapoppin and Tyler1's WoW Classic guild OnlyFangs, Blizzard is rolling back their hardcore deaths.
Blizzard has announced that it will make exceptions to its hardcore permadeath policy and allow some characters to return to ...
World of Warcraft's Season 2 "Undermine" patch is absolutely fantastic, but is it enough to achieve real growth?
Blizzard has chosen to revive dead characters amidst the ongoing DDoS attacks in World of Warcraft for limited period of time ...
A new World of Warcraft feature from Blizzard copies one of the popular user made UI addons, WeakAuras, for WoW.
Blizzard servers have been taken down numerous times due to a string of DDoS attacks, impacting OnlyFans and the guild’s Hardcore WoW raid.
The abbreviation DDOS refers to organized bot attacks on computer systems, thus hindering the normal work of network services ...
Phase 8 of WoW Classic Season of Discovery will begin on April 8, Blizzard has announced. That will be when players will be ...