Concrete is not a problem that prevents a metal detector from doing its job. Can a normal metal detector find gold? Yes, it does. All of the three VLF, PI, and MF technologies can enable you to find ...
According to Laznicka, modern metal detectors often use Very Low Frequency (VLF) or Pulse Induction (PI) technology, along with other advanced features like ground balancing. “Equipped with ...
Today's History Seekers adventure takes us to a field used by both confederate and union soldiers during the American Civil ...
KALAMAZOO, MI -- Kalamazoo Public Schools is considering adding metal detectors to the main entrances of the district’s high ...
The Nashville high school where a teen gunman killed a fellow student last week had no metal detectors — apparently because administrators think they could be racist. A former board member told ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - Right now there are no metal detectors in any of the Metro Nashville Public Schools. Some parents say that needs to change, and soon. “I would like for them to ...
Shelby Forbes of Gillette was “crying my eyes out” when she lost her grandmother’s wedding ring while throwing hay to her ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - The online petition ‘Mandate Installation of Metal Detectors in All Schools’ has nearly 2,000 signatures as of Monday morning. The petition was created on ...
“Yes, sometimes we can see things visually by looking at a part,” said Connor Callais, product manager at Hubbard-Hall.
Stel said the project started when some parents and students approached the school district with concerns and the district asked if they could install some vape detectors in two of the bathrooms.
After just a few months of using vape detectors in a couple of bathrooms, a B.C. high school principal says it's reduced vape use in those areas to basically zero. Alen Stel, the principal of ...