Trenčín Castle is set to undergo a major transformation with a record-breaking €6.5 million investment, funded by the EU as part of the European Capital of Culture Trenčín 2026 project. The landmark ...
Admission is €10, the event takes place between 10:00 to 15:00. Trenčín Castle is now home to an exhibition of historic and most valuable nativity scenes in the collection of the Slovak ...
Perched above Zvolen, Pustý Hrad is a national cultural monument and a key stop on the Pohronská Hradná Cesta cultural route.
What are the best Minecraft castle builds? Minecraft’s sprawling, procedurally generated landscapes lend themselves perfectly to the majesty of a castle build, be it in the snow, lush green ...
Hokejisti Dukly Trenčín zvíťazili v nedeľnom zápase 34. kola Tipos extraligy nad HK Nitra 5:2. Pripísali si tak druhé domáce víťazstvo po sebe. Sledujte ONLINE prenos zo zápasu HK Dukla Trenčín - HK ...
Hokejisti Slovana Bratislava prehrali v utorňajšom domácom zápase 35. kola Tipos extraligy s Duklou Trenčín 2:5. Zverenci Petra Oremusa tak ukončili sériu siedmich víťazstiev, ťahali ju od 18.
Očakáva sa, že obnova obidvoch krajských budov bude ukončená v roku 2026, kedy Trenčín privíta návštevníkov z celej Európy.