Ministrul Transporturilor revine la discursul prin care lauda firmele romanesti care lucreaza pe santiere, in detrimentul celor straine. Razvan Cuc s-a aflat, vineri, la Sebes, pe lotul 1 al ...
MOULTRIE – “Level the playing field” in Georgia’s courtrooms has been a running theme for the past couple of years in Governor Brian Kemp’s drive for tort reform. At the 2023 Georgia ...
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp's "tort reform" proposal would overhaul civil litigation. Some major Georgia businesses are backing it. On a recent Thursday morning at the Georgia State Capitol ...
Suntem o tara foarte corupta", a mai explicat Liviu Chesnoiu. "Constatam ca, in ultimii ani, Directia Nationala Anticoruptie nu a mai fost sperietoarea care ancheta si aresta tot ce misca. Astfel, ...