Trump, South Africa and white supremacy

Donald Trump’s fury against South Africa is ignorant of the centuries of European oppression of Black natives, writes ...
Wealthier South Africans, particularly those in urban areas, are more optimistic about emerging technologies than those in ...
White people in South Africa generally maintain a much higher standard of living than average, with only one percent among them living in poverty compared to 64 percent of Black people.
These comments echo a longstanding false narrative pushed by right-wing groups in South Africa that white people are being dispossessed of their lands and are even victims of genocide. Musk ...
who comprise about 7 percent of the population, continue to dominate land ownership. White-owned farms occupy about half of South Africa’s surface area. This is not the first time that Musk or ...
Afrikaner community concerned with rising racial tensions in South Africa's tense political climate - Anadolu Ajansı ...