including Casablanca, Fez and Tangier. They had been receiving orders from the Libyan commander Abderrahmane Sahraoui, who oversees IS's operations outside the Sahel, according to officials.
The connection? Both Moroccan and Spanish authorities said the groups were aligned with Islamic State in The Sahel. The group is best known for wreaking a devastating wave of violence across ...
The operation underscores the threat emanating from jihadist militancy in the Sahel, as groups linked ... loyal to IS killed a Moroccan policeman in Casablanca. REUTERS Join ST's Telegram channel ...
Face à la menace djihadiste du Sahel, le Maroc envisagerait de construire un aéroport militaire à l’extrême sud du Sahara. Il ...
Groups like Islamic State in the Sahel have found support in impoverished ... and were apprehended in nine different cities, including Casablanca, Fez and Tangier. The majority were unmarried ...
DR – Montage JA La militarisation du pouvoir : une solution pour le Sahel ? Du Mali au Soudan en passant par le Burkina Faso ou la Guinée, le retour des militaires au pouvoir semble ...
L'ES Sahel affrontera samedi soir le Wydad Casablanca du Maroc en huitièmes de finale aller de la coupe arabe des clubs champions de football, avec l'ambition de conforter ses chances de ...
These moves marked the end of France's military presence in the Sahel region, after the expulsions from Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, all ruled by military juntas. Chadian President Mahamat Idriss ...
Groups like Islamic State in the Sahel have found support in impoverished ... and were apprehended in nine different cities, including Casablanca, Fez and Tangier. The majority were unmarried ...
Cherkaoui said the operation revealed that Islamic State in the Sahel aimed to expand and establish ... contributed reporting from Bamako, Mali and Casablanca, Morocco.