In the beginning of Parshas Yisro, Moshe is telling Yisro, his father-in-law, why he’s working so hard. The Pasuk says in Perek יח [טז] ‎ כי-יהיה להם דבר בא אלי ...
Additionally, the ending of Parshat Beshalach [last week’s Parshah] describes the battle and Jewish victory over Amalek, and therefore the juxtaposition to this week’s Parshah implies that ...
The revelatory moment at Mount Sinai is bookended by two challenging passages. Six sentences before the giving of the “10 sayings” (aseret hadibrot), also known as the Ten Commandments, we ...
Parshat Yitro famously gives us a commandment relating to how we should be good children to our parents. However, it also offers a hint as to how we can be good parents to our children. It is well ...