In the interconnected web of nature, small disruptions can yield outsized consequences. One such example comes from Central ...
There is a nervous calm in the foreign exchange market. The Federal Reserve indicated that the relatively good economic performance allow is to bide its time for the economic and policy picture to ...
Discover the surprising secret behind the climbing abilities of salamanders. Scientists reveal how transparent toe tips help them adjust grip and detachment.
Neurons are cells in the body that are responsible for transmitting electrical signals through the nervous system. Different types of neurons affect the ability to move, which begins as an impulse, or ...
The nervous system is the body’s command centre and we rely on it to survive. It guides almost everything we think, feel, and do by allowing the body to process and respond to information. With that ...
Diseases of the nervous system refer to disorders that affect any part of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord or cranial nerves) or peripheral nervous system. Rabah et al. elegantly ...
The nervous system consists of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (motor nerves, sensory nerves, cranial and spinal nerves, autonomic ganglia ...
The nervous system is the body’s direct communication system. It’s made up of the body’s many nerve cells. These cells work together in a network that sends and receives signals from one ...
Parasitic infections can invade practically any part of the body. Brain parasites, those that infect the central nervous system which includes the brain, are potentially the most damaging and the most ...
“These chemicals can interfere with the normal functioning of target tissues by altering their response to hormonal signals, thereby affecting various physiological processes including reproduction, ...
New research has revealed that the nervous system circuitry that controls arm movement in octopuses is segmented, giving these extraordinary creatures precise control across all eight arms and ...
The fine control these almost-alien animals have over each of their eight arms is at least partially down to the segmentation of the nervous system circuitry that governs it. This discovery by ...