From winding borders to straight lines and landlocked nations, Al Jazeera explores the stories behind Africa’s map.
All public vocational training centres (VTCs) in Namibia will soon be upgraded to technical and vocational education and training colleges.
South Africa's crumbling infrastructure has cost it its gateway status to Africa, with China now positioned to fill the gap ...
South African President Nelson Mandela, right, shakes hands with Namibian President Sam Nujoma at the presidential residence in Pretoria, South Africa, June 1, 1999, ...
Namibian and ruling Swapo party President Sam Nujoma speaks during an election rally in Windhoek, Namibia, Nov. 13, 2004 ...
Events in Lake County include Georgefest in Eustis, which continues through Feb. 22, and the Lake and Sumter Parade of Homes ...
From luxury heritage routes to routine service passing through extraordinary scenery, here are 19 of our favorite rail ...
The PAP affirmed its absolute rejection of all violations of international law and international humanitarian law, and therefore condemned any attempt to forcibly displace or transfer the Palestinian ...
Four-time Olympic silver medallist Frank Fredericks has given much credit to the inspiration provided by the late former president Sam Nujoma to his success as a ...
Dr. Laurie Marker shares the highlights of her African homeland. She is doing more than just about anyone to stop the loss of ...