If you are struggling to get by, an EBT card can help provide food for you and your family. But hackers are now targeting ...
Ozarks Food Harvest is providing food and supplies to affected Southwest Missouri residents and has helped secure a generator ...
A s a recipient of SNAP Food Stamps, you might be wondering when your next payment will arrive. This benefit, which is ...
As I listen to reports of astronomical fraud, waste and abuse in federal programs, I find it hard to comprehend how it can be true. The fact checker in me ...
A Dixon, Mo., woman was charged with lying to get $44,000 in SNAP benefits over three years.Prosecutors charged Danielle S.
23-year-old Bogdan Boceanu was arrested at the Wells Fargo in Delano with 36 cloned EBT cards and $4,030 stolen cash, according to the District Attorney. The evidence Boceanu was found with fits the ...
A 23-year-old man was arrested Saturday in a suspected "skimming" card fraud case. The arrest resulted from a sting the Kern ...
Of course, there's nothing else they can do about it" The victims said the money was spent at locations all across the country, at stores that weren't open at the time when the EBT card was used.
LAFAYETTE COUNTY, Mo. — A Missouri man has been charged with theft and unlawful use of a weapon after allegedly stealing hundreds of dollars of Pokémon cards in January last year. According to ...
A 23-year-old man was arrested Saturday in a suspected "skimming" card fraud case ... with the California Department of Social Services EBT Fraud and Theft Detection Unit.