This set of frequently asked questions is intended to help library workers, library advocates, and library users understand ...
Colorado receives millions in federal funding and grants from the Institution for Museum and Library Services every year. Now ...
Trump signed an executive order Friday targeting the reduction of several federal agencies including the Institute of Museum ...
Adoris is a law student at the University of Georgia School of Law. When she’s not in the law library, she’s coaching, ...
As dozens of other states have moved their own court records online, Maine still largely remains in the world of paper files, ...
On March 14, the White House issued an executive order demanding the elimination of the Institute for Museum and Library ...
As part of the city of Des Moines' cuts, the Des Moines library is down two librarians and a social worker. What those ...
For decades, the Community Information Network has enabled libraries in North Idaho and eastern Washington to share their ...
The bar, historically synonymous with ink-stained tomes and hushed chambers, has been quietly but profoundly reshaped by the forces of digital evolution. Emily Windsor, a barrister with experience in ...
SC Constitution requires elected and appointed officials to swear to protect, defend state, US constitutions. Sen Matt Leber ...
The Wilkes-Barre Law & Library/Luzerne County Bar Association recently won an award at the Pennsylvania Conference of County ...
Tennessee became the first state in the country a hundred years ago to ban the teaching of evolution in public school classrooms.