Apex police arrived and soon called for backup with a Holly Springs Police animal control officer assisting in the bald eagle ...
In coming days, viewers of the bald eagle nest cam in Big Bear Valley, California, hope to see signs that the chicks are ...
Apex police officers called to help a bald eagle Saturday recognized they needed expert help and called on Holly Springs ...
I penned a column revolving around the successes of the Endangered Species Act. I listed a number of amazing success stories ...
Famous California bald eagles, Jackie and Shadow, are expecting their three new eggs to hatch soon after last year's unsuccessful hatch.
The eagles will fiercely protect their nests from any intruders, including other eagles attempting to colonize the area, and ...
Seth Richardson of Hope captured a juvenile bald eagle around the Hope area on Feb. 21. Seth Richardson of Hope captured a ...
Bald eagles have made a major comeback in Ohio, and ODNR seeks help reporting nests for a population survey. You can report ...
By Marianne Barnett I find myself writing this story while socked in a monstrous snowstorm near the ground zero site for the ...
Post Bulletin Outdoors columnist John Weiss joined a Bald eagle counter this week, to attempt to get an idea of just how many ...
Local environmental experts have expressed opposition to a proposed Rock Island dispensary and gas station development over concerns it will disturb a bald eagle roosting site in nearby wetlands.