An office worker has detailed how she lost 20kg in just nine months, without depriving herself of her favourite foods like tacos, burgers or sweet treats.
A Catholic deacon recommends you consider Verbum, advanced Bible software for less than the cost of a Netflix subscription.
Functional threshold power is a prized benchmark – but which test is the most accurate? Steve Shrubsall tries them all ...
A proposal for a Christmas parade in conjunction with the annual tree lighting ceremony in New Bloomfield was discussed at ...
How much of the Apple tax windfall should we spend on defence? This is a live question for the new Irish government - mostly ...
Surrounded by supporters of the Nigerian team, Prince Harry was clearly enjoying himself as he cheered on the team in the ...
It's way too dangerous to leave rakes and shovels loosely in your garage. All you need to make a great storage system is some ...