The weather on the evening of Feb. 2 was cooperative, with cool winds gently blowing through the widespread leaves of the age ...
Fans of cross-country skiing in Banská Bystrica are in for a treat. A bigger, 950-metre long trail recently opened around the lake. And if that wasn't enough, they are allowed to enter the light park ...
Keňa, India, Turecko, Kazachstan či Taliansko. 11 krajín z rôznych kútov sveta prinieslo kúsok svojho domova na Slovensko.
The Embassy of Japan is delighted to invite you to the 19th edition of the Japanese Film Festival. This event is organised as part of the embassy's ongoing efforts to deepen interest in Japan and ...
Desiatky slovenských ilustrátorov a ilustrátoriek sa rozhodli bojkotovať Bienále ilustrácií Bratislava (BIB) 2025. Ako ...
The renowned physicist explores how time and entropy shape the evolution of the universe, the nature of existence, and the ...
As AI advances at a rapid clip, reshaping industries, automating tasks, and redefining what machines can achieve, one question looms large: what remains uniquely human?
The Italian President, who will take office in 2021, has officially announced that he will stand for election in the ...
How do you follow all 18 games on 'Matchday Mayhem'? Come up with a running order and watch a bit of every one in turn, of ...
Amid the crackdown on overtourism, consider these six destinations that are still very much welcoming visitors ...
ING Hubs Slovakia, the expert hub of global banking.This article was published in the latest edition of our Bratislava City Guide, which can be obtained from our online shop with Spectacular Slovakia ...
BRATISLAVA - Hoci sa to na prvý pohľad nezdá, František Kovár má za sebou bujarý život! Na konte má aj zopár vilomenín, pri ktorých mu asistovali jeho hereckí kolegovia.