The first months of Fico's comeback were marked by the dismantling of law-enforcement institutions and radical changes to the ...
PRIEVIDZA. Obžalovaných v kauze tragického výbuchu v bani v Handlovej z augusta 2009, ktorý si vyžiadal životy 20 ľudí, uznal v stredu Okresný súd Prievidza opätovne za vinných. Uložil im niekoľkoročn ...
Peniaze na realizáciu chce získať z Fondu na spravodlivú transformáciu. Náležitosti organizácie schválili mestskí poslanci na ...
Maka Botchorishvili, the Georgian Foreign Minister and Matúš Bušovský, the Slovak Ambassador to the country, on Thursday discussed “close cooperation” between the countries along with its current ...
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on Thursday said his Slovak counterpart Robert Fico’s claim, suggesting “ongoing processes” in different countries could be “coordinated from a single source” ...
Citi is an advertising partner. Costco famously declared the price of its hot dog combo is staying at $1.50 forever, but the big-box store helps its members save money on more than cheap grub and ...
Fico was critically injured after being shot in the Slovak town of Handlova on May 15, 2024, following a government meeting. Slovak authorities said that the attack was politically motivated. The ...
They will continue to do so until the war reaches their own homes," Zelensky said. He revealed that he had a conversation with Robert Fico during a meeting with European leaders. When the Slovak Prime ...
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico looks set to survive an upcoming no-confidence vote after rebel lawmakers in one ruling coalition party said they would not support the motion. Opposition parties ...
Premiér spomenul, čo by urobil on, keby jeho minister školstva zorganizoval podobné podujatie a jeden z ocenených študentov by mu nepodal ruku. Prezident Peter Pellegrini podľa predsedu vlády Roberta ...
Fico’s position and motives Fico’s aggressive rhetoric is a calculated move to secure a stronger position ahead of elections, said Lendel. “Fico speaks to his pro-Russian electorate, who support these ...
The Slovak prime minister Robert Fico is likely to survive a forthcoming vote of no confidence after rebel legislators in one ruling coalition said that they would not be supporting the motion. The ...