Kari Coates leads each class in her role as the county’s EMS Coordinator. This her second time teaching the course. “I hope my passion for this job kind of spills onto them,” Coates said.
This is the first part of a six part series on the March 4 vote on a tax for emergency medical services. In July 2024, Paul Johnson, of Gowrie, had a widowmaker heart attack . His heart flatlined ...
NEW ORLEANS — Saturday marks one month since the terror attack on Bourbon Street. That morning, 26 patients were brought to University Medical Center. Staff remember the morning as one of “controlled ...
By Patricia Scheyer NKyTribune reporter FLORENCE Florence city council chose a new member Tuesday night. The death of council ...
Emergency management officials also stressed that in times of large scale emergencies, people often find a lot of good ...
DC Fire and EMS Chief John Donnelly says no survivors expected to be found after Washington DC plane crash If you cross paths ...
It won't be the Yeti Trump to sign sweeping executive order to expand school choice Parents Who Raised Their Kids In Multiple Countries Are Sharing How It Affected Their Lives And What They Noticed Ab ...
No matter which career path Jade ultimately takes, she wants to be of service, to repay a debt she feels to her community.
Fired Wagoner Co. 911 Interim 911 Coordinator told 2 News Oklahoma's Cathy Tatom about the Equal Employment Opportunity ...
Following the discovery, the Montgomery County Public Safety Department, Fire Department of Montgomery Township and VMSC EMS ...