On the higher slopes of Mount Olympus, blurbs are a way by which the gods speak to one another in code, with the whole world ...
Christopher Hitchens, among the most eloquent and forceful advocates of rejoining the Parthenon marbles, helped tilt me toward the cause of repatriation. With great timing, Verso Books has just ...
What a turnaround. Until recently, those who believe Lucy Letby is innocent had no truck with boffins and eggheads from the ...
But after his fall, beginning in his first days in the hospital, Kureishi started to write furiously. A flurry of social-media posts earned him sympathy and admiration for his truth-telling. Over two ...
Hitchens is envisioned as an establishment that celebrates the joy of connection, the thrill of intellectual discovery, and the art of indulgence.
Francis Fukuyama, a little-known Sovietologist and deputy director of the State Department’s Office of Policy Planning, published an article in a Washington journal, The National Interest, that made ...
While few recall her film works today, The Girl on a Motorcycle, released in the “revolutionary year” 1968 as my old colleague Christopher Hitchens always described it, has an obscure but significant ...
The magazine reported that Hitchens had died from pneumonia, a complication from his stage IV cancer. He was 62 years old. Pastor Rick Warren, founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., ...
Writers can do crazy things in quest of a blurb. When Norman Mailer finished his third novel, The Deer Park, he sent a copy ...
The complete interview between Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens can be seen in the Richard Dawkins Christmas Special edition of the New Statesman.