It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
The film discusses the evolution of navigation and the principles of buoyancy, stability, and propulsion in watercraft. It ...
In this installment of Hot Science we present three questions that may help you to better understand buoyancy. The first is a kind of warm-up question, dealing with general buoyancy principles.
Yeah, but why does wood float? There are two forces acting on the life jacket - its weight and the force of the water pushing upwards on it - the upthrust. And if the weight is equal to or less ...
Buoyancy affects the pipelay process, both in positive and negative ways. In the water, the pipe weighs less if it is filled with air, which puts less stress on the pipelay barge. But once in ...
A thin, tubelike structure called a siphuncle pumped air through the interior chambers of the shell, which scientists believe helped provide buoyancy and move ammonites through the water.
The ability of the creatures of the sea to float is usually taken for granted, but to keep from sinking they must either keep swimming or be equipped with special flotation devices ...