A person who has the type of anemia with B12 deficiency and low B12 levels (called "megaloblastic anemia" with unusual white ...
Dear M.P.: Pernicious anemia (PA) is an autoimmune disease where the body destroys the cells in the stomach that make ...
In people with PA and no concerning features, treatment with high-dose oral B12 or injection B12 are both reasonable options.
I am 71 years old and was diagnosed with pernicious anemia in October 2024. My B12 and folate levels were low. My antiparietal antibodies were abnormal, but the ...
I am 71 years old and was diagnosed with pernicious anemia in October 2024. My B12 and folate levels were low. My antiparietal antibodies were abnormal, but the intrinsic factor antibodies were ...
Systolic (140 [125-153] vs. 134 [123-139] vs 116 [110-121] mmHg, p<0.05) and diastolic blood pressure (89 [76-98] vs. 87 [81-93] vs. 75 [71-78] mmHg, p <0.05) were higher in the PA and EH group ...
I am 71 years old and was diagnosed with pernicious anemia in October 2024. My B12 and folate levels were low. My ...
The patient’s blood pressure and urine analysis must be checked at every ... These include the BILAG (British Isles Lupus Assessment Group), SLAM (Systemic Lupus Activity Measure), ECLAM (European ...
New research suggests that blood group B may be associated with slower aging, although not without risks for these people.
People with blood group A may be at higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer, such as gastric cancer. According to the study, people with type A blood have ...
A teenage girl presented to the hospital emergency department with a three-week history of intermittent frontal headache, which was worse in the morning and associated with nausea, vomiting, lethargy, ...