Two female divers have captured incredible footage of marine life off the coast of Hawaii. The duo left their GoPro unattended on the ocean floor, capturing candid moments of underwater life.
Fans are stopping by to watch the artist work on the mural, originally done in 1981 and the first of what would become 103 in ...
A new study finds that the rate of ocean warming has more than quadrupled over the past 40 years—and pinpoints why.
In her large-scale project, “Being with Kelp,” opening this week at Northwind Art’s Jeanette Best Gallery, artist Shawna Marie Franklin invites people to a place they might not otherwise see in such ...
A new study finds that the rate of ocean warming has more than quadrupled over the past 40 years—and pinpoints why.
Designed by Hamish McIntyre and renovated by Russell Hollingsworth, the carefully preserved home has three patios, two decks, ...
Ancient-wallpaper, faded-menu, Naugahyde-booth kind of places, where the waitresses have been around forever, the furnishings ...