Le prestataire de services informatiques SoftwareOne a annoncé vendredi le lancement de l'offre volontaire recommandée visant ...
La phase de repli observée dernièrement a ramené le titre Bic à proximité du support moyen terme des 58.1 EUR. Le timing ...
2024 Crayon Shin-chan Film's Trailer Previews Theme Song, Dinosaur Theme Park Setting (Jun 12, 2024) Neofilms Opens Crayon Shin-chan: Ora-tachi no Kyōryū Nikki Film in Hong Kong on August 9 (Jun ...
The grandson of Bic founder Marcel Bich and son of former CEO Bruno Bich, 46-year-old Gonzalve Bich is the third generation to serve as CEO of the iconic pen, razor and lighter company.