Thousand-headed is Purusha, thousand-eyed, thousand-footed. He covered the earth on all sides and stood above it the space of ...
However, did you know that ancient India, (around 75,000 BCE to the beginning of Medieval India, around 500 CE) had its own ...
The Samhitas - The most ancient part of the Vedas, consisting of hymns of praise to God. Panini Sanskrit – Ancient Indian language, said to be the language of the gods. Shravana Belagola ...
The Vedic Concept The Vedas (meaning “knowledge”) comprises of four ancient Indian texts, with the oldest dating back about 1500 BC to 1200 BC. They are also the oldest writings of Hinduism.
Scholars at the closing ceremony of the South India ‘Kshetriya Vedic Sammelan’ gave a call to the members of the Hindu community to learn Vedas along with modern education to excel in both the fields.
The faith is rooted in the Vedas, an ancient Hindu scripture and prescribes the five lifetime vows: no alcohol, no addictions, no adultery, no meat and no impurity of body and mind. Former leader ...
who then passed it down orally for generations before it was documented in the ancient Indian religious texts known as Vedas around 5,000 years ago.