Two people that were in a small plane that crashed in Manchester are sharing the terrifying story of how they survived with ...
The ancient Greeks had an all-purpose explanation, as I’ve been learning from my Greek myth-mad 7-year-old son: the gods. Bad harvest? The gods. Plague? The gods. Drought? The gods. Sea monster ...
O my God, I am heartly sorry for having offended you, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend you, my God ...
In Acts 19:8-20, we see a striking demonstration of the power of God’s Word as Paul continues his ministry in Ephesus. His ...
But another lawyer perceives empathy for local authorities and property owners, saying that uprooted trees during storms can be considered an “act of God” or force majeure. Lawyer Ong Yu Shin ...
The new comedy An Act of God reveals the mysteries of the Bible while answering the existential questions that have plagued mankind since Creation — in just 90 minutes. The One with the first ...
When NYT reporter David Marchese called the timing of their reconciliation “an act of God,” Stiller agreed. Stiller and Taylor share two kids: daughter Ella, 22, and son Quinlin, 19.
"It's pretty evident the president's using him as an armor-piercing shell that's delivering blunt force trauma against the ...
"It was an act of God," the Energy and Natural Resources Minister said in Parliament on Monday (Sept 20) in reply to a supplementary question from Sabri Azit (PAS-Jerai) during Question Time.