Along the roadside, daffodils wave golden trumpets. Flowering almond, red maple, Eastern redbud and bright forsythia have put ...
The answer is in your yard. Watch closely for the smallest hints, record what you find and advance the cause of science.
Charles personally chose the October Glory maple tree and selected its position in the gardens of the royal residence.
The Leamington Society have planted two trees in Priory Terrace in front of the Royal Mail distribution centre across the ...
As winter lingers with its blanket of snow, a subtle shift signals the coming of spring — maple syrup season has arrived.
The older the tree becomes, the greater the display of peeled bark. Lastly, selections of Japanese maples (Acer japonicum) like “Sango Kaku,” also known as coral bark maple, feature rich coral ...
American beech trees stand out with their light tan leaves that persist through winter. White oaks display distinctive light-colored, stringy bark, while American sycamores boast striking snow-white ...
While drinking tree sap does not immediately sound appealing, Canadian producers are hoping that it will be the next must-try soft drink around the world. We have all heard of maple syrup ...
The best trees for pots can help transform your outdoor space in multiple ways. They have obvious aesthetic appeal –even more so with those sporting colourful autumn foliage or spring blossom – but if ...
Most tree and shrub bark is brown ... Place Chocolate” (10m), peeling in shades of brown and paperbark maple; and Acer griseum (10m), with red flaking bark. Bark interest acers also have ...
The Royal Horticultural Society advises pruning Japanese maple trees during their "fully dormant" stage, which falls in late autumn or winter, with a focus on eliminating any dead, damaged ...
While the rest of the garden may still be in winter's embrace, these trees require timely attention ... Pruning too holds value in preserving a Japanese maple's health, form, and beauty, while ...