[KAMPALA] Poor regulation and lack of transparency in Africa’s fertility industry leave sperm donors and recipients ...
Livestock farming in wildlife areas can alter the ecology, increasing numbers of disease-spreading mites and ticks.
Vital health programmes and research are brought to a halt in Uganda, a major beneficiary of US overseas aid funding.
Genomic tracing and rapid vaccine deployment helped Rwanda overcome deadly virus with lowest recorded fatality rate.
We encourage you to republish this article online and in print, it’s free under our creative commons attribution license, but please follow some simple guidelines: You have to credit our authors. You ...
Deux mois après l’arrivée des vaccins pour enfants, la vaccination de cette couche de la population se fait toujours attendre, pendant que les cas se multiplient.
Les contrôles sanitaires sont renforcés dans les villes frontalières avec la Tanzanie L’engagement des agents de santé communautaire est essentiel dans la sensibilisation des populations Le Burundi ...