With less than five weeks to go to the inaugural ECEC Owners & Landlords Forum, to be held in Brisbane on 7 March 2025, The Sector founder and event host Jason Roberts continues to work with his ...
Safer Internet Day (11 February) provides an opportunity for ECEC teams to reflect on their role in promoting online safety for children and young people.
ACECQA has issued advice about a new approval in principle process for multi storey ECEC builds in ACT and Victoria.
Milestones Early Learning Emerald Beach Centre Manager Bree White was named Affinity Education Group’s Best Centre Manager late in 2024.
The start of a new year is often a point of reflection as families seek to instill habits and behaviours in children which will support them.
Melissa Dann and Rebecca Waingold from The Merrell Kindergarten recently presented at the Melbourne Mathematics Conference.
The Federal Government has changed tack on the timing of the implementation of its two key ECEC pre-election pledges.
The Federal Government is extending the NECP to support young children with disability or developmental concerns, their families and carers.
New data released late last week shows that there have been close to 110,000 enrolments in Free TAFE since the program began in Victoria in January 2023.
Nido Education has confirmed the appointment of Adam Lai as the Group’s new Chief Executive Officer marking the end of a six month search.
The social impact of such restrictions on preschool aged children (classed as those under six years of age) was less researched.
Meli Chief Executive Officer Grant Boyd will retire in June 2025 after leading the organisation through its formation period.