Many of us would agree that our health is our most valuable asset. As such, we go to great lengths to make sure we safeguard it. We take vitamins and supplements, attempt to eat healthier, exercise, ...
As an avid sportsman, I’ve always enjoyed eating the most natural of foods. Caught protein is better than bought protein, as the saying goes. When I catch a fish, I can be reasonably certain that what ...
“I’ve always been interested in movies ever since I was a kid,” says Jamison Stalsworth. Stalsworth was known for being the kid with a video camera in his backyard or in his bedroom. Whether it be ...
Business is a marathon. Magda Smith’s been running for 50 years. One of the sad sights of our modern age is watching small mom-and-pop businesses closing up shop, eclipsed by out-of-town supergiants ...
Innovation takes more than just an idea. But a great idea never hurts. When I think of small business, I most often think of service industries. Businesses like restaurants and handymen, by definition ...
It pays to surround yourself with the best. “Does it pay to be outstanding at what you do? Absolutely. But, when you’re in business, it’s also extremely important to surround yourself with excellent ...
It’s not all about growth. It’s about meeting in the middle. Digital media is everywhere, in our personal and professional lives alike. TikTok ads, Yelp reviews, and online marketplaces; even the ...
o, no, horses don’t belong in the house!” Lynn Petr, the executive director of the Shangri-La Therapeutic Academy of Riding (STAR), vividly remembers an elderly woman who shouted that at her when she ...
I knew I was going to see a brand new lake house, but I wasn’t prepared to be so blown away. It was probably the thoughtful egret sitting on the shore at the edge of the water. He was so simple and ...
Country music. Sports. The Smokies. All three contribute largely to the identity of the region known as East Tennessee. That’s why all three are subjects of programs and exhibits produced by the East ...
Even though we are only halfway through 2024, Knoxville has plenty of new restaurants that have joined the ranks. Whether you’re looking for southern barbecue or authentic ramen, there is something ...
What do you get when an aerospace engineer marries the sales and marketing director of a large regional builder and developer? A very precise and stylish homebuilding duo, that’s what. Ron and Diane ...