Ecopro Innovation, Hydro-Québec sign MOU for lithium metal anode development Ecopro Innovation and Hydro-Québec to ...
On the 11th, Hearts2Hearts took first place (The Show Choice) with their title track 'The Chase' on the cable channel SBS M's ...
You will also hear Ju Jihoon’s talk, who has returned once again as a global actor through “The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call.” Ju Jihoon made Yu Jae-seok and Cho sae-ho burst into laughter right from ...
참엔지니어링 (009310) 이 상한가를 기록했다. 전일 대비 29.79% 상승한 305원에 거래되고 있다. 참엔지니어링의 최근 1주일간 외국인/기관 매매내역을 살펴보면 외국인은 48,095주를 순매수했으며, 기관은213주를 ...
LX Pantos announced on the 11th that it has entered into an acquisition agreement for a logistics center in Dalton, northwest of Atlanta, Georgia. By securing logistics infrastructure in the ...
Actor Kim Soo-hyun strongly refuted claims made by a YouTube channel regarding a romantic relationship with the late actress Kim Sae-ron, stating it was 'false information.' On the 10th, Kim ...
Next Securities said on the 11th that it has secured a strategic investment of 15 billion won from the U.S. brokerage firm Interactive Brokers. This marks the first case of a domestic securities firm ...
BMW and Mercedes-Benz are competing for the top spot in the imported car market, while Volvo, Tesla, and Lexus are vying for third place. Audi, which was grouped with BMW and Mercedes as part of the ...
Second, third generation leaders shape future of South Koreas pharmaceutical industry New leadership emerges as South Koreas ...
한화에어로스페이스(012450)는 올해 들어서만 주가가 두 배로 뛰었다. 동유럽과 중동으로 수출이 늘어나면서 최대 실적을 기록했고, 수주 잔고도 수 ...
공정거래위원회가 고려아연의 해외 계열사를 활용한 순환출자 의혹에 대한 조사를 개시했다. 공정위는 고려아연이 국내 공정거래법의 규제를 우회해 순환출자 구조를 형성했는지 여부를 집중적으로 살펴볼 전망이다.
밤새 불 켜진 사무실, 혁신 안 나온다 中 기업들, 야근 근절 잰걸음 中 드론 업체 DJI, 오후 9시 강제 퇴근 가전 업계도 정시 퇴근·주말 휴식 의무화 양회서 내부 경쟁 포괄적 개선 주문 영향 기업 성숙 단계, 경영 ...