Your guide to what the 2024 US election means for Washington and the world Peter Mandelson is adamant: “I’ve always been capable of being diplomatic.” Indeed, the Labour peer widely known as ...
Peter Kuchar, a Ponte Vedra Beach resident and the father of 2012 Players Champion Matt Kuchar, passed away at the age of 73 on Tuesday after suffering a heart attack on a trip to St. Bart's to ...
Peter Kuchar, father of nine-time PGA Tour winner Matt Kuchar, has died at age 73. The elder Kuchar, a former top-ranked tennis player in Florida, introduced Matt to golf and caddied for him at the ...
AUGUSTA, : US Amateur champion Matt Kuchar (R) is hugged by his father Peter (L) who caddied for him 09 April during first round action at the 1998 Masters at Augusta National Golf Course in Augusta, ...
Zelenský navrhuje priame rozhovory s Putinom na ukončenie vojny na Ukrajine. Hovorca Kremľa v stredu vyhlásil, že Rusko je pripravené rokovať s ukrajinským prezidentom Volodymyrom Zelenským napriek ...
Peter Kuchar, a highly-ranked tennis player in the state of Florida who gained a measure of attention for his exuberance while working as caddie for his son Matt Kuchar in the 1998 U.S. Open at ...
Writer Peter Lalor claimed on Monday the retweeting of posts related to the plight of Palestinians to his X account led to his dismissal by national sports radio network SEN. The Victorian ...
Novým trénerom futbalistov Spartaka Trnava sa stal Peter Zelenský. Päťdesiattriročný kormidelník, ktorý doteraz viedol juniorský tím Spartaka, vo funkcii nahradil Pavla Hoftycha. Ten abdikoval na ...