The Cook Islands may be small but the ambitions of its leader are mighty and his signing of a range of deals with China ...
The Pacific Islands face significant challenges in ensuring the sustainability of their fisheries, the head of the region's ...
For the first time in 26 years, three tropical cyclones are occurring simultaneously in the South Pacific Ocean.
Fourteen Pacific island nations will receive $107 million to adapt their tuna-dependent economies as climate change pushes ...
The Trump White House’s plans to cut into Department of Defense spending and slash foreign aid could spell big changes for ...
The tech giant announced it will offer AI education and certification programs to all University of Hawaii students.
The upgraded and expanded North Field will increase its capacity to handle both routine and contingency operations.
Pacific Islands will be sitting at the global negotiations table this week, calling for increased funding and support to ...
A Chinese reconnaissance and attack drone was spotted for the first time flying near Japan’s southernmost islands, including ...
No details have been released, but analysts and environmentalists fear it will pave the way for closer security ties and the ...
Growing ties between Cook Islands and China, including a new comprehensive partnership agreement action plan detailed this ...