As data centers and manufacturing become more common in the Columbus area, leaders are worried about what that might mean for ...
We must address the twin demands of growing our commercial shipbuilding capacity along with our merchant fleet and increasing ...
The storage of nuclear waste has been a controversial topic in the United States for decades. Now the Supreme Court will ...
The energy industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by advancements in digital technology and the ...
Schneider Electric's Hany Fouda shares how his company is implementing AI and how new technologies are impacting the ...
With the rapid pace of technological change, especially in the utility space, predicting the future of electric energy has ...
Looking ahead, Energy Digital summarises the leading energy events taking place in the next 12 months, including ...
North Carolina’s clean energy growth faces uncertainty as federal spending freezes and state policy rollbacks threaten ...
Plus: Quantum industry revenues exceed $1.4 billion, using nanoparticles to fight cancer, why you should invite a friend out ...
America’s natural gas industry celebrated Monday after President Donald Trump signed into law a resolution repealing ...
U.S. President Donald Trumphosted top oil executives at the White House on Wednesday as he charted plans to boost domestic ...
Germany could save more than 300 billion euros ($326.49 billion) by 2035 by implementing the energy transition more ...