The Baltimore Sun asked readers and social media followers how BGE rate hikes were affecting your lives — and you told us.
It will be an Impact Weather weekend as meteorologist Ava Marie says heavy rain and thunderstorms are expected for Sunday evening.
With just over 24 hours until the federal government was set to shut down, Maryland Democrats in Congress all said they were ...
Senators and Delegates grilled utility companies in Annapolis. Questioning the cause of increased energy bills.
The Dallas-based developer is building the $35 million center and now is adding “make-ready” office space for a prospective tenant.
The 30-acre site is north of Jacksonville International Airport and west of the proposed Airport Commerce Center and I-95.
The Ratepayer Protection Act was heard in the Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee Thursday, as the end of ...
HARTFORD – United Vietnam Veterans will host an annual buy-sell-trade sports show at the Hartford Town Hall this Saturday.