The fee waiver, approved by the Board of Supervisors Tuesday, is aimed at boosting affordable housing development and is set ...
San Rafael-based nonprofit developer EAH Housing has exclusive rights to negotiate with the city over a purchase price of the ...
There's a new family housing complex in Ames helping fill the affordable housing gap. The 18-plex located at 207 S Sherman ...
After six years of fighting, the Fairlawn Estates in Mattapan will convert from market-rate homes to affordable.
The loan has helped fund HVAC system replacements in eight units, worth around $65,000, and will soon fund the installation ...
Local Affordable Housing Contractor Caught In Trade War Crossfire. ABC 10News spoke with Allgire General Contractors at one of their affordable housing projects in City Heights.
Duncan and Edwards and 28th and Sunrise—will provide more than 200 new apartments for low- to moderate-income families.
Local and state government incentives have spurred the construction of affordable housing, incorporating modern amenities ...
The preliminary project plan intends to turn the 0.34-acre lot, located at 3440 Sandrock Road, into 59 affordable homes, ...
The Starter Home Act bill draft says that for residential developments, municipalities can “approve or deny a request for a ...