National Bureau of Investigation Director Jaime Santiago confirmed himself that the depleted uranium seized by authorities late last year was indeed discovered in Mandaue City.
The new era of nuclear power generation greater than the force of the Sun has arrived and is ready for deployment. For the ...
The new era of nuclear power generation greater than the force of the Sun has arrived and is ready for deployment. For the first-time ever, a sustained synthetic quasar has been born on Earth to ...
The new era of nuclear power generation greater than the force of the Sun has arrived and is ready for deployment. For the first-time ever, a sustained synthetic quasar has been born on Earth to perma ...
Uranium-238 decays and eventually generates radon ... If there is shallow bedrock, rainwater can pull the soluble uranium isotopes down to the bedrock, where it concentrates and then begins ...
Uranium is a dense element and a key ingredient in nuclear weapons production. It occurs naturally in ores and minerals and has a few important isotopes. U-238 makes up about 99.27% of natural ...
Native Americans who worked in Uranium mines died from radiation exposures ... that can contain alarming amounts of radioactive isotopes like Radium-226 and Radium-228. Every day, brine ...