Removing ads is key to keeping the web safe today. Learn what network-wide and browser-based adblock is and find the right approach for you.
Get a lifetime subscription to the AdGuard Family Plan for just $15.97 (reg. $169.99) with code GUARD20—block ads, protect ...
Protect your privacy and sanity with AdGuard’s VPN and ad blocker bundle. Stay secure online, block annoying ads, and keep ...
Get AdGuard VPN (5 years) and a lifetime ad blocker for $49.99 (reg. $439.99). Block ads, protect your data, and browse ...
Google announced changes to its Chrome browser that signaled the end for popular extension uBlock Origin. The ad-blocker’s ...
Immigrants residing illegally within the U.S. could no longer receive child tax credits or tax breaks for low income earners if the Safeguarding American Workers’ Benefits ...
The White House on Tuesday began offering buyouts to federal employees — the latest effort to overhaul the U.S. government by President Donald Trump, whose recent proposal to pause federal ...
However, if you’re going to use a VPN, why not kill two birds with one stone and block ads without using a separate adblock app? Surfshark All ads, trackers, YouTube, and Cookie consent $2.19/mo for 2 ...
The U.S. Senate blocked a bill to impose sanctions on the International Criminal Court, which issued arrest warrants for Israeli PM Netanyahu. The vote fell short of the needed 60 votes. Democrats ...
WASHINGTON — U.S. Senate Republicans Tuesday blocked a resolution condemning pardons for supporters of President Donald Trump who violently attacked and injured police officers when they broke into ...