Trenčín Castle is set to undergo a major transformation with a record-breaking €6.5 million investment, funded by the EU as part of the European Capital of Culture Trenčín 2026 project. The landmark ...
Admission is €10, the event takes place between 10:00 to 15:00. Trenčín Castle is now home to an exhibition of historic and most valuable nativity scenes in the collection of the Slovak ...
What are the best Minecraft castle builds? Minecraft’s sprawling, procedurally generated landscapes lend themselves perfectly to the majesty of a castle build, be it in the snow, lush green ...
Trenčín Castle is now home to an exhibition of historic and most valuable nativity scenes in the collection of the Slovak National Museum - Museum of History. In total 11 large scale nativity scenes ...
Hokejisti HC Banská Bystrica zvíťazili v piatkovom stretnutí 36. kola Tipos extraligy na ľade HK Dukla Trenčín 4:3 po predĺžení. Sledujte ONLINE prenos zo zápasu HK Dukla Trenčín - HC Banská Bystrica ...
Očakáva sa, že obnova obidvoch krajských budov bude ukončená v roku 2026, kedy Trenčín privíta návštevníkov z celej Európy.
Nová investícia Jaguar Land Rover: Automobilka Jaguar Land Rover plánuje otvoriť nové lakovne v Castle Bromwich vo Veľkej Británii a v Nitre. Do otvorenia nových lakovní na zákazku plánuje firma ...